The Continuing Adventures


Annie Jo James

by Ashley Gayle Pickle


Hi there, my name is Annie Jo James and I live on a farm and I have pigs, horses, dogs, cats, hamsters, cows, ferrets, and a goat dairy. Down here on the farm we get lots of visitors, well, like skunks, rabbits, snakes, armadillo, and my cousins.

Early in the mornings I feed the pigs, horses, cows, and goats in a trough. Then I feed the rest of the animals. After that I am free. Now I can go into the meadow. I usually go there to catch mice, but not today. I passed the meadow and went into the woods.

I spotted a deer next to a bush. I went up to it and it looked at me and ran off. I followed the deer for a mile, and then I said I was "plum" lost. I looked around and found "nuthin'." I heard a bark then I heard something in the blueberry bush. I looked at the bush and saw a red dog. It was my dog, Austin, out hunting!

He hunts rabbits, rats, all kinds of animals. I was so glad he was here. It made me feel safe. He started to go and I followed him. He led me to the bush I saw the deer at.

Then I saw the meadow and ran right to it. After that I saw my house. I was just in time for supper. Maw asked where I was. Well, I was in the woods. Pa asked why it took so long and I said I got lost. It was a fun adventure though.

Found Something

This time I'm not going to get lost in the forest. This time my story is about finding something, but I'm not going to tell you what.

One summer day, off of school, I went for a walk with my dog Austin. When we came to a field, I heard a gun shot and Austin and I ducked. We stopped and listened for about 5 minutes and got up and looked around. We saw nothing. So we walked 5 yards and found a dead doe.

I almost started to cry but I didn't. We started to walk in the forest I tripped on a log. When I looked back I saw a baby deer. Austin started barking of course. I said, "Shut up!" The baby deer was scared. I thought to myself and said, "That doe we found was it's mother!"

I looked at Austin and said, "That baby has no mother." So I wanted to take it home. I picked it up and it started kicking me and then settled down. We walked back to my house but we didn't go the way we came. We finally came to our house. I ran into the barn and laid her down.

Then I ran and got a heater so she wouldn't get cold. I fed her with a bottle. It has been about a week and I needed to tell my parents that I had a deer in the barn. So, I went in the house and said, "Mom, Dad, I have a deer in the barn." They said that they knew about it since I brought it in to the barn. They saw me carrying it. They thought I needed responsibility. Well, I named it Lucky because it was lucky that I found her. Austin, Lucky, and I became the best of friends.

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